Monday - Friday Daycare Schedule
6:00am - 8:00am:
Check-In -
Dogs arrive and are put in our prep area while workers check in all dogs and check for dogs with special needs...
8:00am - 11:30am:
Playtime! -
Dogs run, socialize, get love and care from our staff, with supervision 100% of the time. And did we mention THEY RUN!?
11:30am - 1:30pm:
Rest Stop -
Dogs are put in a quiet room, for a rest break, soothing music, and dogs with special needs are attended to. With active play sessions, this break is a necessary break from the action. Snacks and treats will also be handled during this time.
1:30pm - 5:00pm:
More Playtime! -
This session features more personal interaction with the dog handlers, where handlers pet and comfort pups and give them extra attention. Afternoon sessions start out with high energy and usually wind down slightly as the day goes on, and the guests tire from a fun day of play!
5:00pm - 8:00pm:
Check Out -
Dogs are checked over thoroughly and kenneled, special needs are taken care of, and some go off to get cleaned up.
Saturday & Sunday Daycare Schedule
8:00am - 11:30am:
Check-In -
Dogs arrive and go right out to play. Play session lasts for 3 hours. Office doors are open for drop offs and pickup (for 1/2 day dogs) during this time range.
11:30am - 1:30pm:
Rest Stop -
Snacks and treats will also be handled during this time.
1:30pm - 5:00pm:
More Playtime! -
Our 4 legged friends play the afternoon away inside in our temperature controlled facilities when weather is poor or outside when weather permits! We have the most play equipment in the state, and water games and pools in the summer! Pickup can be made anytime during this period, as office doors are open until 5.
We have a one time Behavior Assessment ($20 first dog, $10 each additional dog), which takes place across the entire first day. We ask that first day dogs be dropped off no later than 7:45 AM so we can begin the assessment before the others go out to play.
Vaccines required for daycare and boarding are Rabies, Distemper and Bordatella, and a negative fecal sample must be provided along with vaccines, and updated with yearly proof of vaccinations. (Consult Rules and Regulations for more info)
Playtime Has PUPPY PRICING, which is half off of our daycare services for any pup under 6 months of age!! This lasts until they are 6 months old. Ask a manager for details!